The Impermissicon (v1.0)
The second and possibly most-anticipated D&D Unleashed compendium of the three, The Impermissicon, has finally released after more than two years of development! This compendium is filled with content related to lycanthropes, vampires, undead, illusions, enchantments, corruption, and blood magic, and you can download it for free right here!
This 254 page compendium contains 24 subclasses, 3 prestige classes, 107 spells, 118 spell variants, 91 monsters, 61 magic items, 24 poisons, 23 diseases, and even more goodies for both players and DMs!
If you’d like to view the whole compendium without downloading it or previewing it through Google Drive, you can find albums of all the pages right here on the website. The book is so large that we had to split it into two albums because Squarespace limits gallery pages to 250 entries. The first part is player content and spells, and the second part is DM content.
Download Links: Normal PDF, Low-File-Size PDF, High-Definition PDF
Spells Sorted By Level PDF, Full-Size Cover Art Image, Dust Jacket Image
Assorted Sample Pages:

D&D Beyond Links for D&D Unleashed:
Races, Backgrounds, Subclasses, Feats, Spells, Monsters, Magic Items
Foundry Modules for D&D Unleashed:
Class Features & Feats, Spells, Monsters, Magic Items
How to Install Foundry Modules
It’s finally here! Some of you have been looking forward to this compendium for nearly three years, and we’re beyond excited to be able to finally release it to you with all the polish that it deserves and that you’ve come to expect from D&D Unleashed. If you haven’t been keeping up with the previews, you might not be entirely prepared for the sheer wealth of options that are available in this compendium. You might be excited by the ability to build new monstrous characters, such as lycanthropes or vampires, using the full variety of subclasses and prestige classes. Perhaps you’ve been awaiting an entire suite of subclasses, spells, feats, magic items, and prestige classes for blood magic. Maybe you're a DM who can’t wait to build encounters and adventures using new undead, fiends, aberrations, lycanthropes, and a whole host of dark or cursed magic items. Whatever form of forbidden lore or unholy magic you seek, you will find it and even more to tantalize you inside this new compendium.
It’s taken longer than I ever anticipated to complete this second compendium. Though I have a team of people to help me test and balance this homebrew content, the effort of writing it out, brainstorming fixes and changes, revising the mechanics and wording, and building the entire compendium itself has been entirely a solo project, just like all of D&D Unleashed. Because of the limitations of being only one person, life events have often slowed things down. In fact, I’ve lost my job and income, and must currently scramble to find something new. However, no matter how difficult things may become, I’m committed to this content always staying free and available in all its forms to anyone who wants it. There will never be even a single word or byte of content that is gated behind a paywall. If you are looking to help support the cost of hosting this website or show your support in general, you can always donate using the buttons on the sidebar, either through Squarespace or Ko-Fi, and I will be forever grateful and deeply appreciative. But it will never be a requirement — not even for the pdfs.
Even if you’ve seen all the previews, be sure to take a close look at the whole compendium. Most of the previewed content received at least minor revisions to wording, and some of it has received a great deal of changes. The most notable changes include the changes to the Blood Sorcerer, Madness Cleric, Shadow Paladin, Were-Beast Barbarian, Progenitor Warlock, and Hybrid Druid. The Blood Sorcerer has received updates to each of its subclass features, and its old level 18 feature has been replaced and moved to the level 5 options for the new Sanguinist prestige class. The Madness Cleric and Shadow Paladin have both received a small variety of buffs and power boosts, helping to bring these thematic subclasses up to par with other paladin and cleric options. The Were-Beast Barbarian, Progenitor Warlock, and Hybrid Druid have all had their core hybrid-form features revamped to match the mechanical styles and power-levels of other subclasses and fifth edition in general. There have also been many small changes to a large portion of the spells that have been previewed already: mostly updates to their wording, but some spells have had meaningful balance changes.
As part of the general goal of adhering to the style and design principles of 5th edition where possible, we try to keep changes and revisions to an overall minimum where possible, so as to maintain more consistency in people’s games, but further iterations have come with time, thought, discussion, feedback, and playtesting. The intent with the release of the compendium is that the content is now finalized. That means I’m not currently planning significant overhauls to any of this content in the future, but some errata here and there are bound to be needed just as they have been for the official game, which is why the compendium has a version number. As with all tabletop content, though, more playtest feedback will always be the guide, so make sure to keep sharing your impressions as you play with this compendium!
There are also new D&D Unleashed modules for FoundryVTT, which you can download via the links earlier in this article. Just like the Spells module that we previously released (which has also received an update), these modules provide quick-and-easy integration of any and all D&D Unleashed content that you want to use. Simply follow the instructions for installing a Foundry module and you will find the D&D Unleashed content in the Foundry compendiums already inside your Foundry D&D game. These modules contain not only all the subclasses, spells, feats, monsters, and magic items from both released compendiums and the previews from the final compendium, but also the prestige classes and optional class features from those same compendiums. And of course, all this content can be found in the homebrew section of the D&D Beyond website. Simply add it to your Collection to use it yourself!
I could write for days and days about all the design decisions that went into the production of this compendium. Instead, I will let the content speak for itself. This project has taken multiple years to complete and I am excited beyond words to share it with you. I hope that this content enriches your games and helps you live out new, exciting stories with your friends. Remember to share this content with anyone who you think might be interested, and above all else, do me one single favor — please enjoy The Impermissicon!
As a final note, I want to thank everyone who expressed their support and enjoyment of D&D Unleashed throughout the years. Your positive energy is the number one thing that helps me keep up the effort on bringing this content to you. I’d also like to give a shout-out to the D&D stream DC30, who run Mythic Odysseys of Theros using D&D Unleashed content, and to the podcast LegendLark (formerly known as Dames and Dragons), who are just generally great. I receive energy from all of you wonderful people as well. Keep being you!
I hope you’re all looking forward to the third and final compendium — coming soon!
Updates for version 1.01:
Dark and Terrible invocation fixed to include magical weapon resistance-piercing.
Other invocations now include some previously-missing words.
Wording fixes for some diseases and magic items.
Various fixes to Foundry Modules for Magic Items, Monsters, and Features