New Spells: Minor Blood Magic II
The most updated version of this content can be found within The Impermissicon, a free 254-page compendium that you can download right here, filled with 24 subclasses, 3 prestige classes, 2 feats, 107 spells, 118 spell variants, 91 monsters, 61 magic items, 24 poisons, 23 diseases, and even more goodies themed around lycanthropes, vampires, and forbidden magic for both players and DMs!
Blood magic is a popular concept for fantasy casters but lacks much support within the official D&D 5e content. In light of that, I've produced a small ecosystem of blood magic, spells, subclasses, and even a feat to enable players to choose the amount of blood magic that's right for them -- a small sip, or a deeper drink?
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Blood spells are a new school of magic, but each Blood spell also has a conventional school of magic as well, so that the Blood affix is more of an additional tag added to spells, which enables them to work with the various blood magic class features and feat abilities that will come with them.
We already saw a preview of some minor blood magic spells a few weeks earlier, including the 3rd-level blood extraction and two new cantrips. This post continues to preview more minor blood magic (that means blood magic spells up to 4th-level), starting with the oft-desired Carnage Blast. Turning your enemies into little bombs made of blood is a common blood mage refrain. This spell boasts solid damage and a wide area at the cost of difficulty in activating. What more is there to say? Infuse Blood is an example of how not all Blood spells are offensive or even dangerous for the target. This spell is potent, but can be difficult to always effectively make use of. Finally, Hemorrhage turns a single target into a temporary hemophiliac, enabling you and your party members to stage an epic beatdown with weapons and/or more blood magic. Sudden blood loss can be very deadly! Note that garlic, the material component, is a natural blood thinner.
Remember that these offensive blood spells only work against foes with blood, which enables them to be very slightly stronger than similar spells without the same restriction. Most enemies have blood (including most fiends, dragons, angels, and aberrants), but many kinds of creatures lack blood, such as most undead, constructs, and elementals. However, intensely magical creatures have magical blood, and using blood magic upon such foes may have unpredictable and dangerous side-effects, depending on how your DM is feeling. They say unicorn blood has healing powers, so what does the dark magic found in the blood of a pit fiend do? Stay curious, and watch out!
And its worth pointing out, if you're a fan of the elemental specialization feats I've previewed some for The Elements and Beyond, another of the three planned compendiums, then you might enjoy knowing that Living Bomb is on the Pyromancy spell list along with most other fire spells! These three compendiums are all coming from the same source of homebrew material and were originally designed together, so they work well together!
PDF Link / D&D Beyond Links: Carnage Blast, Infuse Blood, Living Bomb, Hemorrhage