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The Art Domain (Cleric)

The Art Domain (Cleric)

PDF Link | D&D Beyond Links: Art Domain, Reflect Person

If you were worried that twenty-four cleric subclasses weren't quite enough, today's preview from Legends of Prestige & Prowess should put those worries to bed! Joking aside, this is our final cleric subclass, intended to complete the portfolio of divine domains available to the many deities that inhabit the worlds of 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons: the Art Domain, a subclass that brings illusions and inspiration together to claim a bard-like niche among the myriad cleric options.

The Art Domain Cleric is designed as a support-oriented cleric subclass. Most of its subclass features help the cleric support their allies, using temporary hit points, advantage on saving throws, and spells like sanctuary and freedom of movement. On the other hand, it is less support-oriented than some domains (like the Life Domain), with channel divinity options that allow the cleric to control and incapacitate their enemies or deal consistent force damage with dangerous illusions. The Art Cleric's domain spells also include many illusion spells that can be used for all manner of story interactions, such as silent image, major image, and hallucinatory terrain.

The Art Domain is perfect for players who seek creative opportunities to flavor their characters and add color to their D&D 5e game. Each time the cleric uses their minor illusion spell to activate their 1st-level feature, they can decide what kind of creative illusion to inspire their allies with. These illusions can trick your enemies at the same time that they inspire your allies. The two Channel Divinity options at 2nd and 6th level both also allow for creative flavoring, as the cleric's player can choose what form of art they make or what form the dangerous illusion takes. The cleric can even inspire their allies using other combat illusion spells, such as hypnotic pattern or reflect person.

The Art Domain rounds out the D&D Unleashed cleric domains. Soon we will release a bonus pdf that lists each of the deities of the major D&D settings along with several other fantasy settings (including those of Warhammer Fantasy and Lord of the Rings) and real-world pantheons, suggesting which divine domains (from both D&D Unleashed and official sources) correspond to each deity, expanding on the similar lists found in the 2014 Player's Handbook. We hope you're looking forward to it!

PDF Link | D&D Beyond Links: Art Domain, Reflect Person

New Spells: Glue & Magnetic Coupling

New Spells: Glue & Magnetic Coupling