New Spells: Master Illusions
The most updated version of this content can be found within The Impermissicon, a free 254-page compendium that you can download right here, filled with 24 subclasses, 3 prestige classes, 2 feats, 107 spells, 118 spell variants, 91 monsters, 61 magic items, 24 poisons, 23 diseases, and even more goodies themed around lycanthropes, vampires, and forbidden magic for both players and DMs!
PDF Link | D&D Beyond: Aura of Invisibility, Mass Invisibility
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Today we have two new master-level illusion spells to show off from The Impermissicon, both of which focus on multi-target invisibility. Master spells are 8th-level or 9th-level spells, and thus are only available to spellcasters of level 15 or higher. Given that invisibility not only grants the targets advantage on weapon attacks and disadvantage on attacks made against them, but also enables sneaking and even prevents most spells from targeting them (as they require sight of the target), these master spells can be very powerful with the right group.
These spells both allow the caster to cover multiple creatures with invisibility, but they operate in very different ways. Aura of invisibility, at 8th-level, is a multi-target spell similar to the single-target greater invisibility spell at 4th-level, allowing the targets to continue attacking and casting spells without breaking invisibility. The caster is always made invisible along with the targets, leaving enemies with no clue which invisible foe is the spellcaster. It’s balanced out by the need to remain close to the spellcaster to stay invisible, restricting the movement of both the caster and their allies. For invisibility that lasts longer or affects a wider group, the 9th-level mass invisibility spell functions more in-line with the basic invisibility spell. If a target attacks or casts a spell, it loses its invisibility. The upside is the long duration (up to a possible 12 hours!) and the huge number of targets. An invisibility spell cast at 9th-level can only target eight creatures. Mass invisibility can’t be cast at a lower level, of course. It can even target objects directly, allowing the high-level spellcaster to shroud such heavy things as carriages, trees, or even castles!
PDF Link | D&D Beyond: Aura of Invisibility, Mass Invisibility