Thirty-One New Humanoid NPCs
PDF Link | D&D Beyond Links (Below)

These NPC stat blocks are themed around all of the official D&D classes, plus two of our own prestige classes, the Guardian and the Guide (previously known as The Leader), which will be appearing in their finalized form with these NPCs in the same D&D Unleashed compendium: Legends of Prestige & Prowess (planned to release in 2023).
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Alchemist, Arcane Warrior, Archpriest, Battle Shaman, Beastmaster, Bodyguard, Cannoneer, Cavalier, Crusader, Elder Sensei, Gunslinger, Gunsmith, Marksman, Mountebank, Musketeer, Mystic Pugilist, Orator, Psion, Rifleman, Samurai, Seeker, Sergeant, Siege Commando, Swordmage, Sworn Guardian, Tactician, Templar, Tinker, War Born, Wilds Hunter, Witch