New Spells: Area Healing Magic
This content can also be found at its most updated version in The Elements and Beyond, a free 246-page compendium that you can download right here, filled with 23 subclasses, 8 spellcasting feats, 134 spells, 213 spell variants, 85 monsters, 30 magic items, 4 races plus 12 new subraces each with racial feats, and even more goodies for both players and DMs!
Healing magic takes myriad forms in fantasy games and media, and while 5th edition contains many of the classic healing staples, the ability to create an area of healing magic is comparatively lacking. The best example is healing spirit, a spell that often ends up underwhelming in combat but can be easily abused to generate hugely out-of-whack healing numbers out of combat, whether by conga-lining through the area or by multiclassing into life domain cleric. And the interesting counterplay around area healing -- that grouping up for more efficient healing also makes the group more vulnerable to area damage -- is largely lacking. We wanted to add more spells that did healing in an area without being nearly so abusable, and these spells are two of the results.
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Healing Wave fulfills a classic desire for paladin and cleric spellcasting. This spell fits thematically in with the idea of support auras, as its support magic is concentrated around the caster just like an aura. This simple spell has surprisingly deep utilities: while the first turn of healing can be a little weak, two consecutive turns of small healing to multiple targets can bring allies back up from 0 hit points two turns in a row, with the second turn requiring no actions, so the caster can get back to swinging a weapon (or casting other spells). While it's not as abusable as healing spirit or regenerate, it still has great synergy with bonuses to healing.
Zone of Restoration uses temporary hit points to make the spell worth maintaining concentration on through a fight without becoming vastly more useful outside combat. If you're steadily taking damage, zone of restoration can be one of the most powerful healing spells relative to its level in a fight -- but if not (like if the enemies focus their damage on one target), it can be difficult to get more value out of the spell's healing than you could from a 6th-level mass cure wounds, since it only actually heals any creature twice at most. This spell encourages both the caster's group and the enemies to think and fight strategically around the area of healing created.
PDF Link | D&D Beyond Links: Healing Wave, Zone of Restoration