New Spell: Annihilation Disk
This content can now be found at its most updated version in The Elements and Beyond, a free 246-page compendium that you can download right here, filled with 23 subclasses, 8 spellcasting feats, 134 spells, 213 spell variants, 85 monsters, 30 magic items, 4 races plus 12 new subraces each with racial feats, and even more goodies for both players and DMs!
Art Credit: "The Forgemaster" by Brandon Moore
This marks the last of this first batch of previewed content from one of the three upcoming compendiums planned, this one focused on not just the classic four elements, but the powers of the natural world and the planes surrounding it. Called The Elements and Beyond, it will contain not just dozens of new spells, but spellcaster specialization feats, new subclasses, and even races like the Pixie!
For a nice little weekend bonus, I've got Annihilation Disk and its damage variants to share with you, though you may be more familiar with the attack, known for being able to slice through anything, by the name it recieved in English: The Destructo-Disk (or maybe you prefer kienzan). This particular spell is inspired very directly by the anime Dragon Ball Z, and specifically by the abilities used by our small friend here and our very evil boy. This spell will chase your foes down until it hits something, but it won't chase only your foes down. Watch out that your disk doesn't accidentally hit someone you care about... like yourself!
Annihilation Disk is also one of a handful of new spells in the compendiums designed to be very enticing to sorcerers, among other niches to fill. One way that it accomplishes this is that it is a spell attack, and it can be used with Twinned Spell to summon two disks at once, which would make you just like Frieza! Although be really careful that you don't actually end up just like Frieza...
Though Annihilation Disk, as forbidden magic, will appear in both The Impermissicon and The Elements and Beyond, its damage variants will appear only in the latter. Blazing Eagle is on the Pyromancy spell list for the Pyromancer feat, and in fact annihilation disk itself actually appears on the Gladimancy spell list (a specialization around sword magic), since it is trivial to reflavor the slashing disk into a slashing sword. These damage variants each have the unique benefit of keeping the text ignoring resistance, allowing (for example) a fire mage to strike a fire-resistant devil with impunity using these slicing talons of flame! But note that it means your allies resistance won't protect them either should the spell hit the wrong target. Watch out!
PDF Link / D&D Beyond Links: Annihilation Disk, Blazing Eagle, Ravenous Acid Wyrm, Storm Serpent