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Our 2nd major release, The Impermissicon, a 254-page compendium, is available now for free!

Blood Magic Subclass (Sorcerer)

Blood Magic Subclass (Sorcerer)

The most updated version of this content can be found within The Impermissicon, a free 254-page compendium that you can download right here, filled with 24 subclasses, 3 prestige classes, 2 feats, 107 spells, 118 spell variants, 91 monsters, 61 magic items, 24 poisons, 23 diseases, and even more goodies themed around lycanthropes, vampires, and forbidden magic for both players and DMs!

There are a handful of new subclasses in The Impermissicon themed around blood magic — one for each of barbarians, clerics, paladins, sorcerers, and wizards, along with a warlock subclass that can double as a vampire blood mage. These subclasses have specializations themselves. For example, the cleric subclass focuses more on the use of blood magic fueled by others (especially allies), while the paladin subclass focuses more on the blood magic fueled by one’s own blood. The blood wizard, with the scholarly bent wizards normally have, focuses on the use of enemy blood, and the blood sorcerer similarly focuses on the use (and strengthening) of the caster’s own blood.

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All four blood magic subclasses for the casters have some variant of their main blood magic ability, however, regardless of their focus. For wizards and sorcerers, that ability is called Hematurgy. Like the blood mages of Dragon Age, these blood mages can spill their own blood to fuel their magic even when their normal spell reserves have run dry, recklessly harming themselves in the process. This subclass for the sorcerer actually gets bonus hit dice to spend on that feature, and extra healing to make up for the damage, as a way of tying the sorcerer’s default “magic is in your bloodline” theme to the specific “blood magic” theme. Other than the capstone feature at 18th level (which the sorcerer gets because its just so messy and sorcerer-esque) and certain blood magic spells that the sorcerer might learn, a pure blood sorcerer won’t be doing blood magic with anyone else’s blood.

Of course, if a blood sorcerer does wish to do more magic using the blood of their enemies rather than their own, they can always invest in the Blood Mage feat, learn more Blood spells, or pursue even more dedicated blood magic character options — all of which will be available along with other blood magic subclasses in The Impermissicon!

PDF Link / D&D Beyond Link

New Spells: Greater Shields

New Spells: Greater Shields

Example Character: Warlock / Leader

Example Character: Warlock / Leader