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New Primal Spirit Avatars

New Primal Spirit Avatars

If you’ve already seen the Primal Spirit Avatars and the summon primal spirit spell from The Elements & Beyond, then this preview from The Impermissicon should already make sense to you. If you still haven’t yet, the spirits and the spell are intended to be used together, but both can be used just as effectively on their own. In this case, each of these spirits (as well as the leeches) can be used perfectly well as monsters in a combat encounter against PCs of the appropriate level. When players do things that may anger the spirits of nature, perhaps those angry spirits appear to remind them to be more careful! But these spirits can also be conjured as temporary allies by druids using summon primal spirit (and a 9th-level spell slot).

Each of these four primal spirits may appeal to different kinds of druids. The giant mushroom spirit wielding necromancy, That Which Rots, is perfect for druids of the Circle of Spores who are looking to use summon primal spirit, or for any druids that are themed around fungus and decay. The spirit of shadows, silence, and predators known as the Midnight Owl might be ideal for druids with themes around nocturnal predators. Some druids from the Circle of the Moon subclass or from our own Circle of the Hybrid subclass might fit that description. Druids that specialize in night-based magic for personal or cultural reasons would also make excellent summoners for the owl. Our other druid subclass in The Impermissicon, the Circle of the Swarm, is well-suited to the swarming, poisonous, and parasitic nature of the Blood Lurker, as are any druids that take up blood magic through feats or multiclassing. And the ooze spirit of acid and digestion, called the Primordial Devourer, fits with any archdruid themed around acid, caverns, or oozes.

This preview also includes the new statistics for leeches from The Impermissicon, since the Blood Lurker references them in its statistics. You can use these leech statistics for familiars, for spells that conjure beasts such as conjure animals or conjure critters, or just use them as enemies for swamp, cave, or sewer-based encounters.

PDF Link | D&D Beyond Links:
Blood Lurker, Midnight Owl, Primordial Devourer, That Which Rots
Leech, Swarm of Leeches, Giant Leech

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