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New Monster: Draugr

New Monster: Draugr

“You can’t run from your past, Uldrik. You can’t run from what you’ve done. You can’t escape me, no matter how many times you murder me.”
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The draugr is a classic fantasy undead from Scandinavian folklore that has seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to video games like Skyrim, God of War, and Valheim. Draugr are more powerful than a simple skeleton or zombie, but the basic draugr is also usually less threatening than a more advanced undead, such as a skeleton knight or zombie berserker. Draugr can be understood as vengeful ghosts that return to possess their own corpses, doing so to seek out revenge or to guard their burial chambers against trespassers. In folklore, many different types of abilities and traits are attributed to draugr, so our rendition draws from the most common and most resonant interpretations and depictions from both folklore and modern works.

If you want the statistics for the draugr lord described at the end of the page (along with its more powerful variant, the icy draugr king), you’ll just have to wait for the full release of The Impermissicon, the compendium of dark magic and forbidden lore that houses these draugr and more homebrew D&D content, planned for the second half of 2022!

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