Levels | Features | Regeneration Bonus | Hit Point Threshold |
1st | Glorious Survival, Regenerative Soul | +1 | 1/4 of Maximum |
2nd | Deny Death, Trudge Through, What Injury? | +3 | 1/4 of Maximum |
3rd | Embrace Life, Immovable Object, Minor Regeneration | +3 | 1/3 of Maximum |
4th | Ability Score Improvement, Refuse Death, What Injuries? | +6 | 1/3 of Maximum |
5th | Embrace Life, Major Regeneration, Unstoppable Force | +6 | 1/2 of Maximum |
Pulling an arrow from her shoulder, a grizzled fighter in thick armor glares at the horde of enemies before her as if she hadn't been fighting for ten hours straight. A deft monk weaves through a crowd of enemies, always near the deadly blade but never quite scratched. Drawing life force from his enemies, a necromancer takes blow after blow without falling. A noble paladin seems guarded by a divine blessing that will not let him be harmed. A feral werebear and a vampiric blood mage both regenerate through any injury so long as he is not harmed by silver and she remains outside the sunlight.
Some adventurers can always survive the worst of wounds and the most dangerous conditions, through grit, spells, magical powers, or dark curse, without ever succumbing to torment. Some have actual regeneration, while others are just tenacious. They're all juggernauts: those whose abilities to heal themselves and withstand harm outclass all others, making them nearly unkillable.
In order to advance as a juggernaut, you must meet the following prerequisites (in addition to the multiclassing prerequisites for your existing class):
Constitution 16. You must be particularly tough and hardy to stoke the flames of self-regeneration.
Character level 15th. Only battle-hardened warriors are capable of surviving with such tenacity.
Must Be Able to Heal Yourself. You must have a class feature, feat, or racial trait that allows you to regain hit points at least once per long rest.
Must Have Rolled a 20 on a Death Saving Throw. At some point in the past, you must have rolled a 20 on a death saving throw, returning to consciousness by stoking your own vitality from the edge of death. The DM can choose to waive this prerequisite at-will.
A Juggernaut can be anyone capable of healing themselves, either actively or passively, to recover from injury. Usually this implies some kind of magical healing, but because hit points can represent more than literal injury within the narrative of the game, there are nonmagical characters capable of restoring their own hit points who can take levels in this prestige class as well.
For example, a fighter/juggernaut character represents a warrior who never receives a fatal blow, no matter how battered and bloody.
Most, however, regenerate through magical means. Some have a magical heritage, such as troll ancestry, that grants them regeneration. Others are chosen paragons of a divine god, healed solely through their connection to their deity. Still others carry powerful and rare magic deep within their body and soul that restores their flesh. Some dark warriors even heal themselves by siphoning life energy from all around them using unholy magic.
If a DM and player agree that regenerating limbs isn't appropriate for the flavor of their character's healing, you can replace the Minor Regeneration and Major Regeneration features with these:
Minor Heartiness. Starting at 3rd level, you have advantage on saving throws against disease.
Major Heartiness. Starting at 5th level, you are immune to disease and you have advantage on saving throws against poison.
As a juggernaut, you gain the following class features.
Hit Dice: 1d12 per juggernaut level
Hit Points per Level: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per juggernaut level
Tools: None
Saving Throws: None
Skills: None
This prestige class does not grant any equipment.
Glorious Survival
At 1st level, you learn how to bask in the glory of your own ability to stay alive. Choose either Intimidation or Persuasion. While you have no more than half your hit points remaining, you have advantage on all Charisma checks using the chosen skill.
Regenerative Soul
When you take your first level in this prestige class, a burning fire of life ignites within your body and soul, granting you regenerative healing powers that stretch the boundaries of conventional mortality.
At the start of each of your turns, if you are missing hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to half your proficiency bonus or your missing hit points, whichever number is lower. These temporary hit points disappear at the start of your next turn.
In addition, if your hit points are less than or equal to a particular fraction of your maximum hit points called your Hit Point Threshold, determined by your juggernaut level (as shown by the Juggernaut Class Table), you regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier + your Regeneration Bonus + half your proficiency bonus (minimum one hit point). Your Regeneration Bonus is based on your juggernaut level (on the Class Table).
This feature cannot restore you to more hit points than your Hit Point Threshold, and it cannot heal you if you have 0 hit points.
However, you also must choose a Regenerative Flaw, which represents both the source and limitations of your healing and prevents this feature from functioning at certain times. Choose one flaw from the following options. If you're immune to a damage type or condition listed in your flaw, this feature does not function at all.
Bodily Purity. This feature does not function while you are poisoned, diseased, paralyzed, or petrified. If you take poison damage, it does not function until the end of your next turn.
Embedded Machinery. This feature does not function while you are swimming, underwater, or in a magnetic field. If you take lightning damage, it does not function until the end of your next turn.
Godlike Luck. This feature does not function while you are cursed. If you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, it does not function until the end of your next turn.
Holy Thoughts. This feature does not function for 1d6 hours after you break your deity's code of honor (the DM decides this). If you take psychic damage, it does not function until the end of your next turn.
Inner Vitality. This feature does not function while you have any levels of exhaustion or your maximum hit points or any of your ability scores are reduced. If you take necrotic damage, it does not function until the end of your next turn.
Life Thief. This feature does not function while there are no other hostile or allied living creatures within 10 feet of you that have more hit points than the hit points you would regain. Undead and constructs do not count as living. When this feature activates, nonmagical plants that aren't creatures within 10 feet of you wither.
Night Predator. This feature does not function while you are in sunlight. If you take radiant damage, it does not function until the end of your next turn.
Rapid Metabolism. This feature does not function if you are in freezing temperatures or you haven't eaten a meal in the last 6 hours. If you take cold damage, it does not function until the end of your next turn.
Reactive Blood. This feature does not function while you are touching silver. If you take fire damage or take damage from a silvered weapon, it does not function until the end of your next turn.
Troll-like Flesh. If you take acid or fire damage, this feature does not function until the end of your next turn.
Deny Death
Starting at 2nd level, you are defiant in the face of death, even when you are completely unconscious. When you roll a death saving throw, you become conscious and recover hit points on a roll of 18-20, and you must fail 4 death saving throws to die instead of 3.
When you recover hit points by a death saving throw, you reduce the range to 19-20. If you do so again, you reduce the range to only a 20, as it normally is. Your range for recovery returns to the expanded die range of 18-20 when you finish a long rest.
Trudge Through
Also at 2nd level, your body hardens against the elements and the world around you, giving you the grit required to trudge through anything.
Your carrying capacity is doubled, the overland travel speed of you and your companions is never slowed down by natural effects, regardless of the terrain or climate you journey through, and you are not slowed by encumbrance unless your speed is reduced to 0 feet.
What Injury?
Starting at 2nd level, you sometimes baffle foes with your ability to withstand blows as if they never landed. When you are hit with a weapon attack, you can use your reaction to ignore all damage caused by the attack on this turn, except damage of any type mentioned in your Regenerative Flaw.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Embrace Life
Also at 3rd level, your resolve strengthens your entire self, and you gain the ability to draw out the most potent of healing effects within your own body.
When an effect causes you to regain an amount of hit points determined by a roll, if your Regenerative Soul feature is functioning, you can determine the amount of hit points you regain as if a number of the dice equal to your juggernaut level had rolled their maximum. You must choose before the dice are rolled, and you can't affect hit points restored by spending hit dice.
Once you have used this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. Starting at 5th level, you can use this feature three times, and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Immovable Object
At 3rd level you become as tough as a steel pillar. You have resistance to all damage caused by unattended objects, inanimate and mundane terrain features, nonmagical traps, collisions with surfaces (including falling), and attacks using an improvised weapon.
Also, you have advantage on saving throws to avoid being pushed, pulled, knocked prone, or teleported against your will, and when you are pushed or pulled by an effect, you can choose to reduce the distance that the effect moves you by half.
Minor Regeneration
Starting at 3rd level, you are capable of regrowing lost body parts. While you are alive and your Regenerative Soul feature is functioning, any severed, dismembered, or permanently crippled fingers, toes, ears, noses, eyes, or similar body parts of yours regrow from your body (or fully heal if never removed) and become fully usable after 1 hour. Limbs also regenerate, but require 8 hours.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Refuse Death
At 4th level, your resolve to keep living — or to simply spite death — becomes absolute and unrelenting. You have advantage on death saving throws, and you must fail 5 death saving throws to die instead of 3. You may also choose not to become stabilized when you succeed on a death saving throw if you wish to keep rolling.
In addition, the expanded die range from your Deny Death feature now returns to the full range of 18-20 whenever you finish a short or long rest.
What Injuries?
Starting at 4th level, you can use your What Injury? feature twice, instead of only once, before finishing a short or long rest.
Major Regeneration
At 5th level, the time required for you to regrow a body part is reduced to 1 round for a small body part and 1 minute for a limb. You can use an action on your turn to force all your body parts to instantly regrow.
Unstoppable Force
Also at 5th level, you learn how to charge through any obstacle or difficulty. When you are grappled, unless you are grappled by a creature of a larger size category than you are, your speed is only ever reduced to (at minimum) half your base speed, never to 0 feet.
Also, you have advantage on saving throws made to resist being charmed, frightened, or paralyzed, and when you use your action to Dash or Disengage on your turn, you ignore difficult terrain for the rest of the turn.