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Table of Contents for The Impermissicon

Table of Contents for The Impermissicon

Before the end of August, the official release of The Impermissicon, D&D Unleashed’s second full compendium, will be available for download on this website entirely for free. Today we’re showing a special preview of the compendium: the table of contents page!

You can see the full scope of the massive 254-page compendium, including the dozens of subclasses, prestige classes, categories of monsters, and more. If you’re hungry for even more, keep checking this site over the next few weeks or sign up for email updates to know the exact moment when the full compendium is available!

College of Healing (Bard)

College of Healing (Bard)

New Spells: Paladin Smites

New Spells: Paladin Smites